wakakakaka. i had fun with all those days with you. bila lg dpt gini2 oh? yg naik rollercoster tu actly sy takut tp mauu! then time d sunway tu bnyk ne llki cina hensem wkakaka. sundal :p then yg last jmp ko d kl yg we isap sisha mmg malatop trus we excited ne jmp tu uncle gold :] hehehe. apa2 pn thanks for eveything bff :D ba ko tggu ja la sy dtg sna. ok.
strange that i did not know him then that friend of mine! i did not even show him then one friendly sign
but crushed him for the ways he had to make me see my envy of the praise he had for praising me i would have rid the earth of him once, in my prite i never knew the worth of h imuntil he died...